Assignment Policy
- All assignments (except coloring activities and areas that involve the use of pencils) or otherwise stated, should be done in blue pen (Biro).
- You are expected to GUIDE and NOT WRITE for your child/ward.
- All assignments, unless otherwise stated, must be submitted the next working day after it has been assigned.
- Home-work must be neatly and legibly done or else would have to be done all over again.
- Home-work record book should be signed by the (parent/guardian) after the assignment has been completed.
- Pupils shall be given assignments on a daily basis, hence, you are expected to query your child/ward if he/she doesn’t get home with at least one subject each day.
- Assignments that are meant to be done in the workbooks shall be done over again if done in the exercise book (or a wrong book).
- It is expected that you follow up on your child/ward’s daily assignments and seek clarifications when necessary.
- Any assignment done without following the guidelines will not be accepted and would have to be done all over again.
- Defaulters would spend their free time to complete any missed work.
i. Project work should be an interactive session with your child/ward to enhance in-depth knowledge.
ii. Project work should be signed as proof that you are aware of it and that it has been done as expected.
iii. Objective criticism and positively aimed suggestions and comments are expected to be passed on the comment portion.
iv. Clarifications as regards the modus operandi of the given project can be sought from the class-teacher when the need for such arises.
v. Project-works should be done as clearly stated in the instructions or procedures given in the project book.